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OTC Pharmaceuticals / Nutraceuticals

Creative Director / Sr. Copywriter / Sr. Art Director


So we all know what Over-The-Counter Pharmaceuticals are... but what the hell is a Nutraceutical?! Nutraceuticals are the first cousin of Pharmaceuticals. Natural supplements, beauty products, health and wellness products, diet ingestibles, these all fit into this category.


Iceland Health Omega-3
One such product was one of many great success stories. What began with one ambitious entrepreneur working from his home has turned into a hugely successful nutriceutical business with the help of some breakthrough creative.  Starting with a simple idea - that you should protect your heart, as much as any other muscles in your body. Sales jumped dramatically. This lead to a series of true-life situation infomercials for Iceland Health Omega-3. This success brought about 6 additional extensions of the Iceland Health brand. Iceland Health sold over 26 million dollars of fish oil. After these successes, Iceland Health was purchased by publicly-traded Nutrition 21. Iceland Health products are successfully selling through direct response channels
as well as in over 21,000 retail locations nationwide.


Headline: "Starting now, protect the most important muscle in your body."

GeneMe Social Video

OTC / Pharma / Nutra Television

OTC / Pharma / Nutra:  Print, Out-Of-Home, Advertorial

Pharma 01

Pharma 01

Pharmaceutical campaign for FCB Draft

Pharma 02

Pharma 02

Pharmaceutical campaign for FCB Draft

Pharma 03

Pharma 03

Pharmaceutical campaign for FCB Draft

Pharma 04

Pharma 04

Pharmaceutical campaign for FCB Draft



OTC Juvenon Print Ad - Art Direction

Avacor Redcap

Avacor Redcap

OTC Avacor Men's Hair Restoration Product - Art Direction

Woman's Avacor

Woman's Avacor

OTC Avacor Woman's Hair Restoration - Art Direction

Immunity Plus Flu

Immunity Plus Flu

Iceland Health Immunity Plus - Art Direction

Iceland Health Advertorial

Iceland Health Advertorial

Copywriting / Art Direction. (If you can write an advertorial, you can write just about anything...)



Heartvein Outdoor - Art Direction

Heartvein Outdoor

Heartvein Outdoor

Outdoor Subway Campaign for Heartvein

Heartvein Outdoor

Heartvein Outdoor

Outdoor Subway Campaign for Heartvein

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